On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 4:21 PM, Eric Roberts
<ow...@threeravensconsulting.com> wrote:
> I never said I was against corporations.  Corps can do good and provide
> innovation.  They only get bad when they are allowed to run amok.  I don't
> have a problem with corps doing stem cells as long as they are not going to
> act like the pharmaceutical companies and fuck over their own countrymen
> when it comes to costs.  Otherwise, it is best left to non-profits so all
> can benefit evenly.

The argument for stem cells from the left was that corporations are
useless at science, you need the US Government behind anythng to
succede. Now the argument is reversed for space exploration because
Obama's making it.

> Which allies are you referring to?
British, Czechs, Poles, Germans, French, Israelis... I could find more

> Seems to me like the ones that Bush
> created gaps, like Russia for instance, have come back to the fold since
> Obama has been in office.

See that's the problem, Russia should be on the do not trust list.
Obama's flipped it, he thinks Russia, China, N Korea, Iran, Cuba and
Venezuela are our closest allies and the rest deserve to be snubbed.
You agree with him so nothing to discuss.

> Israel needs to be kicked off the friends list as
> their attitudes and hard-line stances have made them a liability to peace in
> the Middle East and contradictory to our mission in the Middle East.

That too shows how little knowledge you have of history and common
sense. They are a great ally and have sacrificed more than any other
in the Mid-East for peace.

> If
> that is the ally you are referring to, then you should use the singular
> rather than the plural.  I don't know of any others that we have pushed
> away.

Remember the Falklands? How about the missile shield in eastern Europe?

> You forget, the decline in our economy started while Bush was in office.
> Obama inherited a shitty economy.

So did Bush.

> If you look at the stats, job losses have
> been decreasing, which mean that unemployment will start dropping as well.

Because benifits will run out and they'll drop off the list, AKA the
people that have stopped looking.

> Economists even said long before the upturn that once the job picture starts
> improving, you will see more people claiming unemployment and more people on
> the job market as a lot of people gave up searching or were under employed,
> so when they re-enter the market, the numbers will spike a but, offsetting
> gains.

Are you claiming you can get unemployment again when you're ready to
start looking for work? Those are some rosy glasses you have on. O's
team stated 10% unemployment is the new norm, get used to it.

> Then I guess your sacred Heritage Foundation is wrong too?  That is where I
> got the numbers from.  12 Trillion is the current debt level.  Bush left
> office with 7.7 trillion in debt.

Bush entered office with $5.727 trillion in debt. You say he left at
7.7 and now it's 12T. Bernake said it will be at 20T in a couple of

> As much as I dislike the stimulus and
> thought they should leave the banks to fail...they would have deserved it,
> history tells us otherwise.  It was inaction on our government's part that
> lead us to the Great Depression.  It was only through government interaction
> that we came out of it.

You got it backwards, it was the government that helped the depression
endure for so many years just like today's actions will o the same.

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