That had nothing to do with healthcare...that had everything to do with Croakley being a shitty candidate who ran a very shitty campaign and really turned off the electorate....please.
What polls...every single poll showed overwhelming support...well except the cherry picked ones done by Fox maybe... Eric -----Original Message----- From: Sam [] Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 9:54 AM To: cf-community Subject: Re: Shocker: Major corporations may dump health insurance, pay penalties instead On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Eric Roberts <> wrote: > > Healthcare reform was hardly against the will of the people...while many on > the left think it didn't go far eno0ugh and gives too much to the insurance > industry, it's hardly against the will of the people. Every major poll > showed that a clear majority of people were for healthcare reform and that > you and your fellow teabaggers were clearly in the minority. Keep listening > to Beck and Limbaugh instead of actually thinking Sam... Did you forget Kennedy's seat went to a guy running against Obamacare? And after Brown won the dems declared it was dead but then forced it through. Polls showed no support from the people that's why they kept trying to force it through. > Corruption and bribery? Right... Buying votes with taxpayer money. Not cool. > If you are so worried about that, how > come we didn't hear a peep when Herr Bush granted Halliburton contracts > without going through the bidding processes? You mean over the weekend? Haliburton wins no-bid contract for $568 million? > Or how about those MMS > official he hired on that instead of regulating the oil industry, they had > sex oil execs instead? Where was the outrage? Oh and your > fellow ignorant teabaggers are a fucking hypocrites, so there was no > outrage. Give me a fucking break Sam. What?? MMS? Sex, wtf are you talking about and what does it have to do with me? Did BP give $20 million to Obama and get a pass on all the inspections for that rig? Is that what you mean? > Compromise is when he went with what the majority of the people in this > country wanted and gave in to republican demands, even though they fucking > lost, just to try and bring them in so there could be a bipartisan bill, and > they still fucked him over, when he should have told the republicans to go > fuck themselves like a proper Chicagoan would have. Majority of people don;'t want this healthcare plan. They doidn't want porkulus, they don't want the government to own GM. They don't want another bailout. > Being against taxes and spending are hardly a new thing... Being against $20 trillion in debt is. Remember two years ago the cry was $260 billion was too much. > Domestic Wiretapping without FASA approval is illegal period. THAT is the > law. Any call originating in the US is considered to be domestic regardless > of where it's destination is. Ever hear of the courts? They disagree > When did Obama go six months without a news conference? Remember the racist white cop and the black professor? After that incident. > All I remember is > the bitching and moaning from Fox and their fascist buddies like Beck and > Limbaugh about how he has too many news conferences. Ummm, he was talking , not taking questions. But you get a tingle up your leg when he talks right? > Yeah...wake the fuck up Sam and get your head out of Limbaugh's fat ass and > see what's really going on. You need to get off the hate wagon and look around. You're making a fool of y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: