Most major polls, reported by all media outlets, showed 3 things:

1) a majority of Americans were against "Obamacare", when asked about the
bill as a whole, without any explanation of the contents
2) a majority of Americans did not know what was in the bill
3) a majority of Americans supported almost all of the individual reforms in
the health care overhaul bill, when asked about each part individually

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Eric Roberts <> wrote:

> That had nothing to do with healthcare...that had everything to do with
> Croakley being a shitty candidate who ran a very shitty campaign and really
> turned off the electorate....please.
> What polls...every single poll showed overwhelming support...well except
> the
> cherry picked ones done by Fox maybe...
> Eric
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sam []
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 9:54 AM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: Shocker: Major corporations may dump health insurance, pay
> penalties instead
> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Eric Roberts
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Healthcare reform was hardly against the will of the people...while many
> on
> > the left think it didn't go far eno0ugh and gives too much to the
> insurance
> > industry, it's hardly against the will of the people.  Every major poll
> > showed that a clear majority of people were for healthcare reform and
> that
> > you and your fellow teabaggers were clearly in the minority.  Keep
> listening
> > to Beck and Limbaugh instead of actually thinking Sam...
> Did you forget Kennedy's seat went to a guy running against Obamacare?
> And after Brown won the dems declared it was dead but then forced it
> through. Polls showed no support from the people that's why they kept
> trying to force it through.
> > Corruption and bribery?  Right...
> Buying votes with taxpayer money. Not cool.
> > If you are so worried about that, how
> > come we didn't hear a peep when Herr Bush granted Halliburton contracts
> > without going through the bidding processes?
> You mean over the weekend? Haliburton wins no-bid contract for $568
> million?
> > Or how about those MMS
> > official he hired on that instead of regulating the oil industry, they
> had
> > sex oil execs instead?  Where was the outrage?  Oh and your
> > fellow ignorant teabaggers are a fucking hypocrites, so there was no
> > outrage.  Give me a fucking break Sam.
> What?? MMS? Sex, wtf are you talking about and what does it have to do
> with me? Did BP give $20 million to Obama and get a pass on all the
> inspections for that rig? Is that what you mean?
> > Compromise is when he went with what the majority of the people in this
> > country wanted and gave in to republican demands, even though they
> fucking
> > lost, just to try and bring them in so there could be a bipartisan bill,
> and
> > they still fucked him over, when he should have told the republicans to
> go
> > fuck themselves like a proper Chicagoan would have.
> Majority of people don;'t want this healthcare plan. They doidn't want
> porkulus, they don't want the government to own GM. They don't want
> another bailout.
> > Being against taxes and spending are hardly a new thing...
> Being against $20 trillion in debt is. Remember two years ago the cry
> was $260 billion was too much.
> > Domestic Wiretapping without FASA approval is illegal period.  THAT is
> the
> > law.  Any call originating in the US is considered to be domestic
> regardless
> > of where it's destination is.
> Ever hear of the courts? They disagree
> > When did Obama go six months without a news conference?
> Remember the racist white cop and the black professor? After that incident.
> > All I remember is
> > the bitching and moaning from Fox and their fascist buddies like Beck and
> > Limbaugh about how he has too many news conferences.
> Ummm, he was talking , not taking questions. But you get a tingle up
> your leg when he talks right?
> > Yeah...wake the fuck up Sam and get your head out of Limbaugh's fat ass
> and
> > see what's really going on.
> You need to get off the hate wagon and look around. You're making a
> fool of y

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