On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 9:37 PM, denstar <valliants...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's been out of control for as long as I can remember, really, 'cept
> for a time towards the end of Clinton's tenure (guess "he" robbed
> social security to do that tho?).

You pay attention, that's good.
Taxes and spending haven't been that bad in recent years. Tomorrow
it's going to be bad.

> Because then you'd pay *less* taxes, relatively?  Get access to a
> whole slew of different loopholes and whatnot?

Not loopholes. If you get taxed at 50% why take the chance. It's all
in th odds, why work twice as hard or take twice the risk for the same
money. It's kills initiative.

> Ah.  When you say "investment" here, you're referring to the ultra
> wealthy, I take it?  Not exactly hearkening the time where more
> Americans lived within their means vs. on credit.

I'm talking about all businesses. Investing in a new building or
hiring more staff to try top ramp up.

> No, they work better when "we the people" fill our role as "we, the people".

Who's working the phones then? Indian call centers?

> My point is that we've mandated surveillance technology be built into
> everything we use.  Not a Smart Idea (Re: The Greeks).

Ah so you think the whole surveillance idea  thing is new, started with Bush.

> Nonsense.  Knowing you're being listened-in on leads to all *kinds* of
> interesting possibilities.

So it can be fun yet you complain?

> The definition of life must not be *that* tricky, then.

LOL. So how high must the sprout be for us to eat it.

> Are there only certain things worth saving enough to kill for?  Seems
> like you'd have to draw the line somewhere, else you're out there
> moving bugs off the road, out of harms way and whatnot.

War sucks but some times it's a necessary evil. Remember WWII?

> Look bub, we *all* know dems ain't fiscally responsible.  That's why!
> They don't seem to pretend as much as the Republicans.  But they're
> also less cohesive.

So if Obama says unemployment will stay around 10% for a long time
then it's ok because he's honest?

> It got a lot bigger under Bush43, but I note that fiscal
> responsibility wasn't on that "Bad Bush" list, per-se.  Cool that you
> put the attempted fix on there tho.  Real cool.

I don't think anyone was happy with the out-of-control spending during
the Bush years. But now it's quadrupled and accelerating.

> Be better if some precedents hadn't been set in the first place, IMO.
> A good bit of these tea party folks didn't seem to have a problem back
> then.

If someone comes in five minutes late do you take off the day?

> Or maybe they "felt" they were "saving" something, and thus it was "worth it"?

Nope, we new he wasn't saving.

Sure.  Been doing it since before I was born.  Why stop now?

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