I'm telling you Denny -- you're bringing logic to a stupid fight.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 6:42 PM, denstar <valliants...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 7:05 AM, Sam wrote:
>> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 9:00 PM, denstar wrote:
>>>> Ah so you think the whole surveillance idea  thing is new, started with 
>>>> Bush.
>>> No.  What happened under his leadership was especially bad though.
>> And now it's worse because of what he started? Which he didn't start.
>> He just made it evil so now it's progressively more evil because of
>> him?
> It's always been Evil.  Bush43 used FUD to push through, or get away
> with, a whole grip of Evil though.
>>> Some folk don't like the idea of being watched all the time.  I can
>>> only assume it's because they don't have my luscious physique.
>> Tell them to stay out of the big cities and off the internet.
> I was going to suggest a healthy lifestyle or maybe plastic surgery.
> Your solution is laughable.  Laughter is good for the heart!
>>>> So if Obama says unemployment will stay around 10% for a long time
>>>> then it's ok because he's honest?
>>> It's more O.K. than if Bush43 had said it, yes.  Bush43 was precedent
>>> setting (LOL!).
>> Bush didn't have to say it because he had a plan and it worked. Glad
>> you're happy with a Change for 5% to 10% unemployment.
> Is this statement similar to the one about McCarthy?  "They /were/
> spies" and "he had a plan and it /worked/"?
> He had a plan alright, and it seems to have worked.  He and his
> friends are doing better than ever.
> "We the people" tho... no so much.  Crappy plan in regards to the rest
> of us, IMHO.
>>> The rabid right is all over Obama; like bits of crap on a hairy
>>> asshole.  And unlike the rabid left, the rabid right gets shit done.
>> When you say shit you mean healthcare?
> That was a once in a lifetime exception, like banning assault weapons.
> It's The Right that "gets stuff done" due to their unity, is what I
> was implying.
> Mostly it *is* shit, but still.  At least they're consistent.  :)p
>>> I'm not so scared that Obama will say the sky is red, and that a
>>> majority of citizens would take it at face value, which *was* the case
>>> with Bush43.
>> That's pretty stupid, you just demonstrated the opposite to be true.
>> You admit being duped like a cult follower and yet you mock the masses
>> for not seeing the light.
> I was duped?  I haven't been surprised in years, man.  It's a curse.
>>> Basically Sam, you're here, so it's lame but generally o.k., comparatively.
>> ?
> You are like a watchdog.  You are a check on the unlimited power of
> "The O" (Obama, not Oprah-- no one can check /her/ power!).
>>> Taking us to war on false pretenses?  Not so much.
>> Still upset about that? Biden said we won that war that he said we
>> lost. You should be happy.
> Happy to be lied to?  Maybe, if it's something like "you have a
> luscious physique".
> You're saying you think it is OK to lie though?
>>>> I don't think anyone was happy with the out-of-control spending during
>>>> the Bush years. But now it's quadrupled and accelerating.
>>> Yet you, apparently a tea party supporter, didn't even have out of
>>> control spending on your "Bad Bush" list!
>> I thought I did. Doesn't matter. It's the scale, if you were mad at
>> Bush for spending how you you not be furious with Obama's spending?
> If health care reform was a "made up" need, like going to war, I'd be pissed.
>>> But *now* it's a Bad Thing.
>>> Because it's bigger and faster.
>> Um yeah. Then: we owe some money and things look good, everyone that
>> wanted a job could get one. Now: Our grandchildren owe too much money,
>> unemployment is at 10% and will stay there indefinitely. Russia is
>> pissing on Obama's leg. China is giggling at us. Some moron from Iran
>> just out smarted the so-called brightest democrat we had. CA and NY
>> are just about bankrupt and I'm sure many states will follow. What's
>> the upside? We will have free insurance in four years if we stay
>> solvent?
> Then:  things were good.  Now: thing are bad.
> Fer realz?
> Who's wearing the goggles again?
> Look, we've been screwed up for a long time.  It's OK.
>>> Didn't that sorta happen during Bush43's terms too?  Why are you
>>> "suddenly" opposed to it?
>> You need to put things in perspective. But if you're willing to take a
>> day off of work because someone else was five minutes late then you
>> won't unde
> Hey, I said "it depends"!  If you can only see in 1s and 0s, you
> wouldn't understand (unless you saw *everything* that way, which you
> don't).
> It is all about perspective though, isn't it?
> :Den
> --
> All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the
> understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than
> reason.
> Immanu

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