On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Sisk, Kris <ks...@gckschools.com> wrote:
> Some may not agree, but I don't consider Judaism to be a separate
> religion. After all, Christ himself was a Jew. As for the Gnostics, most
> of them were rejected for good reason (for instance many of them didn't
> appear until centuries after their supposed authors were dead). I'll
> grant you some of them were chosen or not chosen for more editorial
> reasons, but it's still the best we have.

What is your opinion on the Gospel of Thomas? It doesn't seem to be
any later than the canonical gospels, yet represents a drastically
different way of viewing early Christianity.

> Absolutely a personal relationship is the most important thing, but a
> church serves an important role as a place to gather with those of like
> faith. You may question the importance of that but I've feel it's very
> important.

Definitely a matter of personal preference. I think that the Church
(as a set of institutions) has done more harm than good. Faith, within
the loose definition of a "religion", as a sort of small-c church
seems more important and useful to me. Of course I make the same
argument about political parties, I favor the notion of republics and
democracies, not so much the Republicans and the Democrats.

>>Still, I find it hard to believe that any modern religion has sprung
>>up fully formed. Human institutions change through time, borrowing
>>ideas, changing ideas and discarding ideas. That isn't necessarily a
>>good thing or a bad thing, it just is. I suppose I can support the
>>idea that you want your religious institution to be "more pure" but
>>shouldn't that purity be based on what you feel God wants rather than
>>tossing aside ideas because they were also used by other institutions?
> Actually that's exactly it. We feel that what God wants is in the Bible
> and the paganism that's seeped into the church over the centuries is not
> it.

Hmm..still seems to me like the paganism was there from the beginning
but it is largely a matter of how you want to define things. I figure
that if you believe something with absolute faith, then the faith is
the important thing. If you're happy with your relationship to God and
you've got a set of rules, books, rituals, habits and whatnot that
works for you, that's what is important.


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