I'd like to see some examples of this whitewashing Vivec...I have seen far
too many movies where the good guy was black or Asian or where the bad guy
was white...in fact...most of the movies I can think of off the top of my
head had bad guys as whites regardless of the race of the protagonist and
quite of few of them had black protagonists.

I have to agree with Kris' statement. How would it be different?  In the
grand scale of things, minorities and women are relatively new to the
executive scene, so in larger and older corporations, the are going to be
fewer in the upper echelons as they climb the ladder and compete with a
larger white population.  We see more and more minorities in upper
executive/upper management positions as time goes on as more opportunity
opens up for minorities.  Business ownership...how is that a measure of
anything other than the number of businesses that have been started by
<insert race>? There were black owned businesses even in times when
discrimination was rampant. I think the fact that there are many many more
black owned businesses and the fact that a black person (or a Hispanic or
Asian for that matter) can open a businesses and make it successful at an
equal chance as a white who starts his/her own business is a good sign that
things are a lot better.  Is there room for improvement?  Sure, there always
will be, but to claim what you are claiming would be to say that there are
no improvements. How much of whatever disparity there is, is based on the
culture and not discrimination?  Harping on how someone is keeping you down
becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.  Would you want to hire someone that
constantly complains about being oppressed by the man and has the
accompanying attitude towards whites?  Most people probably wouldn't any
more than they would hire someone that dresses like a hippy into a
professional position.  Corporate America reminds me of the military in that
conformity and uniformity is the key.  Highly individualist people tend not
to last long in corporate environments.  Same goes with people who are
radical in any direction. 

Your final statement (starting with "I know two types of white people")
doesn't even make sense.

-----Original Message-----
From: Vivec [mailto:gel21...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 11:11 AM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: Oops! Did I say that on tape? Shirley Sherrod of the USDA
Sticks Her Foot In Her Mouth.

If what you said was applicable on a Nationwide level, the realities of the
figures for employment, poverty, discrimination,leadership in the corporate
sector, business ownership etc. would be very different.

It is very easy to use anecdotes to attempt to portray those Blacks who do
not achieve as being Lazy and messed up...but again that is immaterial.
Because even if that were the case, it is still a problem, and it still
means that there is not equality and not parity and that still needs

You also cannot in any empirical way make such statements.

I myself can find several statements by celebrities in hollywood (pick an
industry that is most visible) who talk about the discrimination that still
exists in the Entertainment business. We recently had several examples of
Hollywood forcing directors to 'Whitewash' their casts and stories to make
Black people = Villains and White People = Good Guys regardless of the
actual subject matter on which the movies were based.

So your theory just does not stand up to reality.

I know two types of White people.
Those that are stupid and complain about losing their homes, being
unemployed and being kept down by Wall Street and the economy, and those
that are Smart and have wonderful homes and great jobs without even trying.

On 22 July 2010 12:05, Sisk, Kris <ks...@gckschools.com> wrote:

> I know two types of black people. I know some who wine about being kept
> down by 'the man' and never put any effort into making themselves a
> If you call them on it they try to tell you there's no point in even
> because being black means they have no chance anyway. In the end it's
> refusal to try that dooms them. They're also some of the most racist
> I've ever met (call them on that and you get called all kinds of nasty
> names).
> The other blacks I know, who don't waste their energy complaining about
> being oppressed, put no more effort or less into their careers than anyone
> else and are just as successful as there white peers.

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