Malaria preventable? Not really. There are a series of new strains out
right now that is very resistant to current treatment protocols. It is
nowhere near being beaten, in fact I would suggest that its having a
resurgence and showing up in a number of places, like Florida, where
it was thought at one point to be controlled.

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 8:32 PM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:
> "You mean numerically?  I'm pretty sure that malaria has been a problem for
> a while now.  I'd bet the total number of deaths from malaria dwarfs your
> whole list, combined.  Even if we limit the malaria time frame to the last
> 10 years."
> Pretty hard to compare a natural disease to the intentional killing of
> millions of people.
> "Hrm... intention.  Morality is an interesting deal.  If you see someone
> dieing in the street, and you do nothing to help them, when you could
> have... is that Bad?"
> Yes it is bad.  And some death by malaria is preventable.  In some African
> countries medical supplies are confiscated by rebels/gov't
> officials/bandits/etc so a profit can be made from selling them.  These are
> certainly preventable and despicable, but do not compare to the wanton
> extermination of millions of people just because they have different
> heritage, a different religion, or different opinions
> "Communism as a death carrier though?  Not buying it.  It has no monopoly on
> death."
> Nope.  It does not have a monopoly on death.  It would seem it lends itself
> to mass killings for the benefit of whole, but it is not responsible just
> because it is communism.  Maybe it's vulnerable to violence because
> communism aspires to be the utopia you mention.
> "Utopia is hard to pull off, I'll give you that."
> What has always made the state a hell on earth has been precisely that man
> has tried to make it his heaven. - Friedrich Höderlin
> J

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