On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 6:32 PM, Jerry Barnes wrote:
> "You mean numerically?  I'm pretty sure that malaria has been a problem for
> a while now.  I'd bet the total number of deaths from malaria dwarfs your
> whole list, combined.  Even if we limit the malaria time frame to the last
> 10 years."
> Pretty hard to compare a natural disease to the intentional killing of
> millions of people.

Communism intentionally kills people?

> "Hrm... intention.  Morality is an interesting deal.  If you see someone
> dieing in the street, and you do nothing to help them, when you could
> have... is that Bad?"
> Yes it is bad.  And some death by malaria is preventable.  In some African
> countries medical supplies are confiscated by rebels/gov't
> officials/bandits/etc so a profit can be made from selling them.  These are
> certainly preventable and despicable, but do not compare to the wanton
> extermination of millions of people just because they have different
> heritage, a different religion, or different opinions

Offing folk 'cause they be different is an old, old idea.  Probably
rooted in evolution.

We don't really have to do that now, but some customs are hard to un-customize.

Again, nothing special about communism.  Saying communism is
responsible is like saying "that can't happen here", and let me be the
first to tell you: It can.

> "Communism as a death carrier though?  Not buying it.  It has no monopoly on
> death."
> Nope.  It does not have a monopoly on death.  It would seem it lends itself
> to mass killings for the benefit of whole, but it is not responsible just
> because it is communism.  Maybe it's vulnerable to violence because
> communism aspires to be the utopia you mention.

There were Native American tribes that were pretty close to communist.

Some tribes were peaceful, and some tribes would wipe out their
enemies down to the chickens.

The Nazis -- poster-child for ethnic cleansing/genocide -- were what again?

You're honestly trying to say that communism is "special"?

It's vulnerable to violence because *we* are.

And FWIW, Communism is to Conservative, as Socialism is to Liberal.  ;)p

Maybe consolidating power leads to easy killing?  Bah.  I hold
ourselves accountable.

> "Utopia is hard to pull off, I'll give you that."
> What has always made the state a hell on earth has been precisely that man
> has tried to make it his heaven. - Friedrich Höderlin

Yes, The Law does sucketh.  A necessary evil until we evolve, I reckon.


If a man should importune me to give a reason why I loved him, I find
it could no otherwise be expressed, than by making answer: because it
was he, because it was I.

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