You neatly side-stepped my questions and threw another red herring
out, but I am being generous tonight so I will answer you anyhow.

No, I do not feel that me collecting social security, from a fund that
I paid into for the last 44 years in an amount that far exceeds
anything that I will ever collect, is ripping you off.

I do however feel that the government taking money from that fund and
using it to pay for Bush's wars is ripping you off.

Your anger is misdirected, and your passion misguided.  But your heart
is in the right place.  I too do not wish to pass debt to the next
generations, but I also don't want to cut off the only source of food,
housing and medical care for the seniors who have paid into the system
and trusted that it would be there in their old age.  Are we not
instructed to care for both the widows and the orphans?

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 12:34 AM, Robert Munn <> wrote:
> So you are suggesting that current and future generations pay for
> mistakes made by yesterday's politicians? I fail to see how that is
> not ripping us

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