And to think Obama has spent more in less than two years than all
presidents combined and you don't care.
Vindicated: The Truth about Conservative Economic Policies

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 2:36 PM, Maureen <> wrote:
> ...The ability of the government to service its obligations to the
> Social Security trust funds (that is, to future retirees) is
> inseparable from its ability to service the entire national debt. The
> question is not whether the Treasury will be able to repay the 22
> percent of the national debt that is owed to the Social Security trust
> funds. The real question is whether the entire national debt, the sum
> of all the borrowing from all lenders, is getting out of control. ...
> ...every Democratic president (Kennedy-Johnson, Carter, and Clinton)
> left office with the ratio of national debt to income below where it
> was at the beginning of his administration, while the last three
> Republican administrations (Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W.
> Bush) have presided over explosive growth of the national debt
> relative to national income. Since 1960, Republican administrations
> have added 38 percentage points to the national debt/GDP ratio, while
> Democratic administrations have subtracted 23 percentage points from
> that ratio..

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