Heh.  Calling it a "process" is a bit of a stretch.  Like DSSP, it was
not invented. It was found. :)

I've thought a lot about the nature of reality, and sanity.

Does that explain it?  =)


Religions, which condemn the pleasures of sense, drive men to seek the
pleasures of power. Throughout history power has been the vice of the
Bertrand Russell

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 5:12 PM, PT wrote:
> Den, I am willing to bet a paper or two could be written about your
> thought process.  I get what you are saying, but not an E-mail goes by
> without at least one, "WTF?" moment. :)
> Sam, too, but for different reasons.
> On 3/16/2011 6:49 PM, denstar wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 3:54 PM, Sam wrote:
>>> I'm not arguing how much money they receive, I'm more concerned with
>>> accountability then removing funding. Now with both morons at the top
>>> gone maybe they will do a better job representing everyone.
>> Ah.  Well that's fine.  I think there are laws for such things, but
>> law is such a messed up area...
>> Don't get me wrong, we've got a pretty awesome system, but it could
>> still use a bit of work.  =)
>>> I was pointing out it was a different point from a different time so
>>> you should stay focused.
>> Oh.  I thought we were talking about how alarming this NPR stuff is.
>> Seems like if it should "really alarm" me, calling it an emergency
>> isn't so funny.
>>> I don't remember making those accusations. But I know when you read my
>>> mind that's what you got.
>> LOL!  It was only so long ago that the thread hasn't split, so it's
>> just a matter of scrolling up, if you're in a threaded view.
>> This proves the biased nature of NPR?  You linked it to the state of
>> the news in the nation and Nazis...
>> Biased towards money, I guess you meant?
>>> Hard to pass that off as spin. There's an email.
>> My point was that there's probably lots of emails like this out there.
>>   It's shady business, no doubt, but an EMERGENCY?  And just for NPR?
>> Do you also believe that public broadcasting is vital to national
>> security?  You sorta poo-pooed the idea when Gruss mentioned it, I
>> think.
>>> Ah, so let's water it down until it passed off as the norm.
>> That's not what I was aiming for, but is the opposite of that better?
>> Is it *really* something to be *really* alarmed about?  Call an
>> emergency session to pass a bill that's not aimed towards actions like
>> this in general, but NPR specifically?
>>> Nope. Your mind reading skills need more work.
>> Did I imagine you telling Gruss it should really alarm him?  I'm
>> pretty sure you used alarm a couple of times, and said how they love
>> them some terr'ists (forgetting for a moment the deal about being
>> scared to fly with folk on airplanes--  I know!  /that's/ why they
>> fired that dude!  Cuz they loves teh terrorz!).
>>> I made it all up, it's imaginary.
>> If you believe in something, that gives it substance, be it "real" or no.
>> Ain't here or there, just say'n.
>>> Did you lose your place again? Or, are you saying I should look away
>>> while you find things wrong with people I support?
>> It doesn't have to be either/or, you know.  I'm more pointing out
>> perspective, or perhaps, a sense of proportion.
>> Is this going to fix the budget?  Go a long ways towards fixing the
>> budget?  Is it /really/ alarming?  Is this what we should be focused
>> on, right now?
>> You say "yes, for real", I say "not so much".  More power to you,
>> wanting to see justice served, but I don't think it justifies an
>> "emergency".
>>> So you are.
>> I guess so, if you want to look at it that way.  It's a more polarized
>> way of looking at it, I think, but it's basically valid, so what the
>> hell!
>>> No knew material yet?
>> I'm focused.  LOL
>>> I'm starting to find it hard to believe Obama's responsible for anything.
>> Responsibility is a weird deal.  Whole philosophies are devoted to
>> sussing out its nature.
>> Surely he plays a part, as do we all.  No man is an island. ('cept
>> sorta, all men /are/ islands-- women too!)
>>> Wasn't me.
>> The whole "this is a big deal, be alarmed about X, and really alarmed
>> about Y (terrorists)" seemed sorta like it *was* you.
>> I haven't confused you with the GOP. =)
>>> Wow, that shocks me. No really. Is it that you like watching him play golf?
>> I'm sure all the gray hair is from the back nine.  I hear it's a doozy!
>> Do you want me to say he's an evil bastard because he's done what I
>> predicted he'd do, as far as giving power back to the people?  I don't
>> know that it's his to give... I'm super glad Bush set so many awesome
>> examples for future presidents though!
>>> Let's wo
>> -rk together?  Heh.  So you watch Yo Gabba Gabba too!  Sweet!
>> "Teamwork teamwork!"
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzs8TPyv3QI
>> I find "don't bite your friends" to be a real winner too.
>> :Den

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