On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 6:49 PM, denstar <valliants...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ah.  Well that's fine.  I think there are laws for such things, but
> law is such a messed up area...

And board of directors.

> Don't get me wrong, we've got a pretty awesome system, but it could
> still use a bit of work.  =)


> Oh.  I thought we were talking about how alarming this NPR stuff is.
> Seems like if it should "really alarm" me, calling it an emergency
> isn't so funny.

Is that you're doing? Playing with one word and making the whole point moot?

> LOL!  It was only so long ago that the thread hasn't split, so it's
> just a matter of scrolling up, if you're in a threaded view.

Well if he thinks it's so so much ado about so so little maybe an
alarm bell would wake him up.

> This proves the biased nature of NPR?  You linked it to the state of
> the news in the nation and Nazis...

You wandered again. What links? Are you now claiming they aren't
biased or that you like the bias?

> Biased towards money, I guess you meant?

I think they confessed that they thought conservatives were idiots or
something like that.
Elitist shit that seems to make you proud. You are Ivy League right?

> My point was that there's probably lots of emails like this out there.
>  It's shady business, no doubt, but an EMERGENCY?  And just for NPR?
> Do you also believe that public broadcasting is vital to national
> security?  You sorta poo-pooed the idea when Gruss mentioned it, I
> think.

Again with they aren't guilty because others probably do it? Didn't
you just mention laws and what not?

>> Ah, so let's water it down until it passed off as the norm.
> That's not what I was aiming for, but is the opposite of that better?

But it is. You're saying it's so so ado about so so nothing.

> Is it *really* something to be *really* alarmed about?  Call an
> emergency session to pass a bill that's not aimed towards actions like
> this in general, but NPR specifically?

What? Did I ask for that? Isn't the budget an emergency and isn't that
part of the budget?

> Did I imagine you telling Gruss it should really alarm him?

I was talking to Gruss who at the time was excusing it is much ado
about so so...

> pretty sure you used alarm a couple of times, and said how they love
> them some terr'ists

Yeah, I'm pretty sure accepting money from known terrorist
organizations is illegal.

>  (forgetting for a moment the deal about being
> scared to fly with folk on airplanes--  I know!  /that's/ why they
> fired that dude!  Cuz they loves teh terrorz!).

I'm not following that. Who?

>> Did you lose your place again? Or, are you saying I should look away
>> while you find things wrong with people I support?
> It doesn't have to be either/or, you know.  I'm more pointing out
> perspective, or perhaps, a sense of proportion.

We were talking about NPR taking and hiding money from terrorists.

> Is this going to fix the budget?  Go a long ways towards fixing the
> budget?  Is it /really/ alarming?  Is this what we should be focused
> on, right now?

So you're saying we can't discuss anything unless you decide it's worthy enough?
We were discussing. Take another hit and chill out:)

> You say "yes, for real", I say "not so much".  More power to you,
> wanting to see justice served, but I don't think it justifies an
> "emergency".

I didn't even thing it was urgent enough to post, but when lies were
bandied about I started adding my 2 cents.

> I guess so, if you want to look at it that way.  It's a more polarized
> way of looking at it, I think, but it's basically valid, so what the
> hell!

Should I ask you next time before responding if a topic is worthy of
commenting? Save us all this typing.

>> I'm starting to find it hard to believe Obama's responsible for anything.
> Responsibility is a weird deal.  Whole philosophies are devoted to
> sussing out its nature.

Rush said: "if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice"
so I guess voting present  carries some responsibility.

> Surely he plays a part, as do we all.  No man is an island. ('cept
> sorta, all men /are/ islands-- women too!)

Are you going to go with his picks?

> The whole "this is a big deal, be alarmed about X, and really alarmed
> about Y (terrorists)" seemed sorta like it *was* you.

Can I call you Harpo?

> I haven't confused you with the GOP. =)

They were cutting them anyway, this just gives them more ammo.

> I'm sure all the gray hair is from the back nine.  I hear it's a doozy!

What's he done besides Obamacare which he didn't even do?

> Do you want me to say he's an evil bastard because he's done what I
> predicted he'd do, as far as giving power back to the people?  I don't
> know that it's his to give... I'm super glad Bush set so many awesome
> examples for future presidents though!

If you predicted the misery index for America to be this high and are
glad you were correct than you suck. Just saying.

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzs8TPyv3QI

I'm so glad I don't h

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