You do realize that we've had voting for centuries in our country,
with rolls, where most people didn't have government issued ID, right?
Universal identification is really a quite recent phenomena in our
country and one that I have very mixed feelings about.

Anyway, all this crap about "Why wouldn't they have ID?" can be
answered all sorts of ways but fundamentally the answer is this: It
doesn't matter.

Voting, unlike driving, having a bank account, etc. is a
Constitutionally guaranteed right of *every single citizen*. Any time
you have a constitutionally guaranteed right, you have to set a very
high bar indeed to justify any incursion against it. Not a sense of
"this seems reasonable" but a seriously high standard. Yes, Felons can
have their voting rights revoked while they are in prison. That is a
very severe case. But even then, the right to vote is either restored
automatically upon being released or else can be regained by petition
after you finish your sentence.

Requiring ID to vote is a solution in search of a problem. There are
no modern documented incidents of voting fraud. There are some
incidents of registration fraud, fairly few and far between, but no
incidents of voting fraud. There is nothing requiring *any* incursion
against a guaranteed constitutional right no matter how "reasonable"
you or anyone else thinks it might be. Period.

Voting is a right, not a privilege. That means you don't get to fuck
with it even if you think it's a nifty idea.


On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Cameron Childress <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Dana <> wrote:
>> how do you figure that?
> Without ID, there is no purpose to keeping rolls.  But I suspect you
> are okay with that too.
> I'd be all for dipping your thumb in ink, except that everyone isn't
> currently allowed to vote in the US.  There has to be *some* way to
> tell who is and who isn't.
> I mean, if we are talking about changing the system so that everyone
> is allowed to vote, that's a different conversation entirely.  But as
> long as some folks are and some folks aren't you have to be able to
> tell them apart somehow.  If you have another alternative beyond
> identification, I'd be curious to hear it.
> -Cameron
> ...

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