Wow dude, I thought you were one of the reasonable ones.

So he's hating on all female Republicans because they're
fundamentalists which in his view means they actually have faith. If
they went to church but thought most of what was said was BS he might
vote for them. Now it's clear from the start he was against Bachmann
because she's a Republican and therefore must be a fundamentalist.
When question he looked it up and came back with a big aha because he
suprised himself.

So the straw man really is claiming she's a fundy while she isn't. So
he than had to cover is error by changing his defininition of a fundy
to mean anyone that isn't a moderate. Fair enough.

Now to claim that since she believes in a higher being she's too
stupid to run the country is what I was trying to draw out and it came
too easy.

So I'm thinking you weren't paying attention if you think I was using
the straw man. Everything I claimed from the begining came to be true
bigotry he was trying to disguise as intelligence.

It's basic drill down, he says something offensive and I keep asking
qestions until he realizes his bias. Everyone does it to me all the
time, only with less satisfying results.

On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 6:26 PM, PT <> wrote:
> On 7/7/2011 2:49 PM, Scott Stroz wrote:
>> It is kind of hard to take you serious when you are vehemently
>> defending this nut job.
> It's hard to take him seriously when most of what he does is reduce a
> page of discussion to a few snips, stretch them just ever so slightly
> off-topic and then toss them back into the mix as questions that I guess
> are supposed to sound like arguments.  For the sake of variety, said
> questions can and are substituted with glib remarks that have nothing
> really to do with ... anything.
> Sam, you are the king of deflection and redirection.  Your straw men
> wear only the best clothes and drive the ass-kickingest cars.  My hat is
> off to you.

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