On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 8:39 PM, Scott Stroz <boyz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sam, don't be such a simpleton. I was not hating on 'all female
> Republicans'. I was hating on Bachmann. No one else...Bachmann.

I wasn't referring to you.

> Fundy or not, she it a bit too far to the religious right for my
> liking. Hell, I would bet a lot of Republicans think she is a bit too
> far to the religious right for their liking.

I would bet there are many that aren't offended by religious people.

> She and her husband also believe that being gay is a choice and that
> they can 'cure' gayness with psychotherapy. Utterly ridiculous.

Now see you just spread a rumor likely started by the DNC to discredit her.
That's my problem. If she really said that and believed it I would
understand your concern. But so many are pointing and saying hate her
because... When I ask why they have to dig up stuff.
Can't you talk about facts about why  she would not make a good
president rather than smear tactics?

That's all I'm asking.

> Its funny that no matter who they are or what they stand for, you will
> defend a Republican tooth and nail. Just like others on this list will
> defend a Democrat with the same blind adoration.

Again, I'm not defending her, I'm asking haters to define their
motives.I get you don't like her stance on gay marriage so say that,
don't perpetuate rumors about a 'gay cure'.

Most of the attacks against Republicans on this list are talking point
memos from Soros or the DNC. I will not defend a Republican for
wrongdoing but I will ask people to back up false claims against
either party.


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