On 7/7/2011 7:47 PM, Sam wrote:
> Wow dude, I thought you were one of the reasonable ones.

I am pretty reasonable, or I like to think so .. hope so.  I wasn't 
speaking about this particular conversation, more commenting on a 
pattern I have noticed over the years.

Thanks for the summary, though.

> So he's hating on all female Republicans because they're
> fundamentalists which in his view means they actually have faith.

See, this is what I am talking about.  That's a bit of a leap in logic. 
  I don't recall him saying any such thing.

> they went to church but thought most of what was said was BS he might
> vote for them. Now it's clear from the start he was against Bachmann
> because she's a Republican and therefore must be a fundamentalist.

Nnnnnno this isn't clear at all.  Again, you have some interesting ways 
of connecting A to B.

> When question he looked it up and came back with a big aha because he
> suprised himself.
> So the straw man really is claiming she's a fundy while she isn't. So
> he than had to cover is error by changing his defininition of a fundy
> to mean anyone that isn't a moderate. Fair enough.
> Now to claim that since she believes in a higher being she's too
> stupid to run the country is what I was trying to draw out and it came
> too easy.

Actually, I believe what he was saying is that her fundamentalist 
leaning beliefs, which he finds utterly absurd in themselves, make her a 
poor choice for leader of a nation.  Now, spin that however you want it.

> So I'm thinking you weren't paying attention if you think I was using
> the straw man. Everything I claimed from the begining came to be true
> bigotry he was trying to disguise as intelligence.

Well, I wouldn't want to be accused of bigotry either, so let me make my 
stance clear from the start.  I can not fathom people beleiving in a 
literal interpretation of the Bible.  I just don't see how anyone could.

She has chosen to base at least part of her life around a book of 
stories that is supposed to be the word of God, but was written by man 
and then edited by committee to remove the parts they didn't like.

So, I am allowed to question her decision making abilities.  It has 
nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats or the faithful or women.  I 
don't agree with some of her beliefs and opinions and desired policies, 
so I would choose not to vote for her.  This is not at all unreasonable.

I believe that is the gist of the original argument too, before all of 
the spinning and logic-leaping happened.

> It's basic drill down, he says something offensive and I keep asking
> qestions until he realizes his bias. Everyone does it to me all the
> time, only with less satisfying results.

Because you usually don't answer the questions, opting instead for those 
glib one-liners ;)

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