Avoid grains and legumes all together.

Eat organic broccoli, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, onions, etc.

no fats except avocados, olive oil, flax, nuts, and sheeps milk fat, etc

Salmon, grass fed beef, other wild fish

Avoid all sugars of every kind: (fruits-fructose, dairy-lactose, 

Just try to get fat.  You can't.


On Jan 28, 2012, at 1:20 PM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 1:05 PM, Medic <hofme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Who in the Western world truly doesn't know that eating and exercise habits
>> are the two biggest factors in having a healthy body? This has been common
>> knowledge since long before you or I were born.
> Everyone is agreeing that eating and exercising habits are keys (over
> and above genetics). The devil is in the details though and that's
> what others are saying that you seem to be missing. I'm generally
> fairly healthy and certainly not "a fatty" but I'm getting older and
> the stupid commute the last 3 years has left me more sedentary along
> with the stress and time taken up by my kid, so over the last couple
> years I've seen my blood pressure gradually rise, gained a few pounds
> and seen my cholesterol numbers go in a direction that I'm not happy
> with. Nothing is super bad yet but I don't want it to get there.
> So I talked it over with my doctor at my annual exam earlier this week
> and we specifically discussed my triglycerides. His advice? He said:
> "Some of my patients have done really well with a low carb, high
> protein diet. Others have done well with a diet focused on low fat. In
> your case? Who knows. I'm going to suggest cutting out some simple
> carbs and increasing your fruit and vegetable intake and then we'll
> just monitor things".
> This guy is a really, really good doctor. I've got the luxury of hour
> long annual exams where he really takes the time to get to know me.
> I'm knowledgeable and have the luxury of having lots of really good
> local, healthy food options and live in an area that really looks well
> on fitness and promotes healthy lifestyles. And I'm still suffering
> from some mild effects of our western lifestyle and my doctor still
> can't tell me exactly what I should do to improve the things we want
> to work on. It's trial and error at this point and something I'll
> really have to self-motivate on and try different things and work
> closely with my doctor. I consider myself in a better situation than
> 95% of the people in this country and it still isn't going to simple.
> "Eat right and exercise more" just isn't helpful enough advice.
> Cheers,
> Judah

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