Makes sense, any decent researcher will do that. Recently I heard of
one major chemistry paper that was based on what a fifth grade kid
came up with. She ended up getting credit as an author of the study.

Als its not the first time in history that it has happened. Spectrum
jumping, which wireless is dependant on, was conceived of by Heddy
LaMar, the 1940's actress.

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Eric Roberts
<> wrote:
> demy-award-winner-scientist/
> Wow...I stand corrected...but he actually only gave the scientists the idea.
> The Coauthor thing was crediting him for the idea.  He didn't actually do
> the study.  So to say it is his study is stretching the truth quite a bit...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sam []
> Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 10:45 AM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: Fox News? Really can this be called a News channel?
> No really, it's the Actor that co-wrote this research for a radio show.
> s-to/
> If you  want to discredit all of my sites because it doesn't fit you view at
> least recognize a publicity stunt disguised as hate speech when you see it.
> Ask yourself why the left always attacks the intelligence of people that
> disagree? It's not very smart. The Right could easily do the same yet they
> don't, more mature I guess. Well, Michael Savage did write a book "Liberlism
> is a Mental Disorder" but he has his own issues.
> .
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Dana <> wrote:
>> Yanno, at the risk of fueling your misconceptions, Sam, I have to go
>> with Larry here. You don't seriously think that, do you? You always go
>> for cheapo debate points, and that makes it very hard to actually talk to
> you.
>> He backed up his statement, and since you didn't want to back down you
>> used the old distract-them-with-stupid method. Everyone here has a
>> decent brain, and has tried the baffle-them-with-bullshit route
>> themselves at least once in their lives, so we know it when we see it,
>> even though some of us have given you the benefit of the doubt more than
> once.
>> It gets old. This thread is old.  So, more in sorrow than in anger:
>> <delete>

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