There was another incident today in San Antonio, where a mother decapitated
her infant son and ate part of his brain and toes...

-----Original Message-----
From: PT [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 7:58 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: The Zombie Apocolypse is starting...

On 5/29/2012 7:39 PM, Judah McAuley wrote:
> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 4:26 PM, PT<>  wrote:
>> If I were the victim, I would tell the cop to fill him up.
> Which is why we have trained police officers deal with these 
> situations and not freaked out victims.

I doubt they covered this particular type of incident at cop school.

>> Chewing on someone's face is a seriously life threatening situation.  
>> I would treat the attacker as if he were armed with a knife.  If you 
>> wield a fatal weapon, be prepared to be subjected to deadly force.
> Every person has teeth, therefore by this logic, everyone who may use 
> their teeth should be prepared to be shot with a gun.

That is not what I said at all.  So you can apply logic to a nonexistent
point as much as you want.  Doing so changes nothing.

  We generally
> also train police to take down people even wielding knives with less 
> than deadly force.

BS.  We know that if a person with a knife gets within 20 feet of an officer
who has their handgun holstered, the attacker can be on the officer and
cause a fatal wound before the officer can draw their weapon to fire .. even
if the attacker announces their intention before they begin.

Sure, everyone has teeth.  Many people have knives too.  The problem comes
when you start using them as deadly weapons.  If you do, you shouldn't be
surprised that someone uses deadly force in return.  I don't expect the
police to bust in my kitchen and shoot me because I am slicing a tomato, but
I would expect them to shoot my ass if I were holding that knife to
someone's throat.  Do you really think they should try batons or tasers in
such an situation?

I have seen tasers fail.  I have seen people not jacked up on drugs walk off
a bean bag hit.  Unfortunately, the only sure thing available was probably
the pistol.  what do you do?  You can choose a less than lethal device which
is not guaranteed to have the desired effect and maybe waste time or put the
officer in immediate danger, or go with with the almost 100% sure bet and
shoot the attacker and probably save the victim.

You can stand there with your taser trying to put down a guy who is batshit
insane and is likely feeling no pain, and only end up pissing him off if you
want.  The dude was actively endangering the other guy's life.  Each bite
could have easily been fatal.  Deadly force was acceptable.

> I sure as hell am glad you aren't a cop.

So am I.  They have to make too many life and death decisions quickly. 
This situation did not have a perfect outcome, but the officer lived and the
victim lived (so far), so it is acceptable considering the circumstances.

> As stated earlier in the thread, there are many options available to 
> try and remove a threat far short of using your gun. Batons, tasers, 
> bean bag rounds, etc. No one was saying that the police shouldn't have 
> stepped in to help the victim. They were saying that the police, in 
> this case, seem to have skipped over a bunch of less lethal options 
> and gone right to using their guns. Generally considered a mark of 
> poor training.

Or a sign that they had fewer options than you seem to think they had.

> J

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