Zawahiri left the Brotherhood and helped form al-Jihad precisely
because they (the Brotherhood) did not always oppose the government
and Zawahiri wanted an Islamist state through violent overthrow of the
government. So, yes, he was in the Brotherhood but left at a very
early age and took a very different and more radical course.

Does that make the Brotherhood awesome? No. But criticize groups for
what they actually do, not who might have been associated with them
briefly long ago.


On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 11:07 AM, LRS Scout <> wrote:
> By the age of 14, al-Zawahiri had joined the Muslim
> Brotherhood<>.
> The following year the Egyptian
> government<>executed
> Qutb for
> conspiracy <>, and
> al-Zawahiri, along with four other secondary school students, helped form
> an "underground cell devoted to overthrowing the government and
> establishing an Islamist state." It was at this early age that al-Zawahiri
> developed a mission in life, "to put Qutb's vision into
> action."[19]<>His
> cell eventually merged with others to form al-Jihad or Egyptian
> Islamic
> Jihad.[20]<>Al-Zawahiri
> graduated from Cairo
> University <> in 1974 with 
> *gayyid
> giddan <>*. Following
> that he served three years as a surgeon in the Egyptian Army after which he
> established a clinic near his
> parents.[20]<>In
> 1978, he also earned a master's degree in surgery.
> [21] <>
> Islamic Jihad is the Muslim Brotherhood.  Comes directly from it.
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Maureen <> wrote:
>> And we do business with the Russians, Japanese and former Viet Cong.
>> Politics...strange bedfellows.
>> Governments will always cozy up to whatever group benefits them most, even
>> if that group was the bogey-man of the week last week.
>> Try not to be shocked.
>> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 10:54 AM, LRS Scout <> wrote:
>> >
>> > You know we've given direct support to individuals in Libya that fought
>> and
>> > killed Americans in Iraq and Afg right?
>> >

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