Ben Doom wrote:
>What do you prefer?
>We use MS SQL 2K here, but are looking into using MySQL for intranet
>rollouts, so I'm curious as to your opinion.

I prefer almost everything over MySQL. I can deal with weird syntax. I can deal with 
performance issues. I can deal with murky installations. I can deal with bad 
documentation. I can deal with limits on the number of simultaneous connections.

I can not deal with databases that give me back a different value from what I inserted.

If I insert the string 'This is a string ' into a varchar field, I want it back with 
the trailing space, not without it. If I insert a 50 character string in a 25 
character field, I want an error, not a truncated string. If I define an integer field 
to be NOT NULL, that does not mean I want any NULL I insert to be silently converted 
to a 0.

Foremost, a database needs to be correct. The outcome of queries in relational 
databases is mathematically exact. IMHO, that means MySQL simply does not qualify as a 
relational database.


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