Dana Tierney wrote:
>I looked this back up to see what the exact issues where that Jochem had 
>with mysql again.

Those examples were just the tip of the iceberg. If you want some more:

"SELECT 'A' = 'a'" returns true in MySQL

Table names are case-sensitive in MySQL on Unix, but not on Windows. That must make 
your database very portable.

"SELECT a, b, count(c) FROM d GROUP BY a" is legal syntax according to MySQL. If there 
are 2 rows with identical values for a, does that mean that MySQL just guesses which 
of the 2 values for B I want back?

If I insert a NULL in a date field and then query it, I get back '0000-00-00'. I 
wonder which month that is?

MySQL foreign keys can not enforce a relation between a 2 tables because they allow 
identical values in the parent table.

>I can live with the trailing space issue.

Can your customers live with it?

>I dont care about null becoming zero.

You do realize that they behave differently when joining and when working with foreign 

>What exactly is the limit of simultaneous transactions with Access?

Officially 255. But unless they are all selects, I would not run more then 2 at the 
same time.

>To give you a better idea, it is 
>supposed to be a patient management system for a single doctor. But I would 
>want to design it is such a way that if the doctor oh, merges his practice 
>with several other doctors and becomes a very busy clinic, then we don't 
>have to throw the whole thing out and start over, or massage the data to 
>import it into something else.

Initially, Access should do just fine. And it is up to you to design the database in 
such a way that porting it is no problem. So don't use exotic datatypes like money 
(use numeric(12,2) instead), don't depend on non-standard functionality like the 
ability to generate UUIDs and you will be fine.

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