Massachusetts cases clearly state, equality before the law. I cannot
see any problem with the idea that civil unions be separate from the
religious ceremony.
>Well I think if you could split marriage up it might help. Make marriage
>a religious only union with no legal binding, spiritual only. Then make
>legal marriage which would not be called marriage, maybe a legal union.
>With all the legal rights that current married couples have. Then you
>could split out the religious section and the legal section. I think the
>main thing gays want is the ability to have the same rights that legally
>married couples have. How much would it suck to be with a person for 30
>years and then they die or goto the hospital and you can't give
>decisions to the doctors. You can't see the patient since you're not
>family etc. Its pretty cut and dried with me. Sometimes I get the willys
>when I think about it in a spiritual sense but its not all about spirit
>though I think the big issue is legal recognition that these 2 people
>are united as one in front of the LAW.
>I know I am sure some people want gay religious weddings and that's fine
>though it does seem to fly in the face of what is said in certain
>Bill Wheatley
>Senior Database Developer
>, Inc.
>3801 W. Hillsboro Blvd.
>Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
>V: (954) 360-9022 ext. 159
>F: (954) 360-9095
>W: <>
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Smyth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 11:23 AM
>To: CF-Community
>Subject: RE: You People
>I have to agree with Mike
>On a personal level, it doesn't really bother me what people get up to
>behind closed doors, but I don't think same sex marriages are right
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: 18 November 2003 16:08
>To: CF-Community
>Subject: Re: You People
>Glad to have you back, Rush! Hope the rehab sticks this time! :)
>- Jim
>Haggerty, Mike wrote:
>>I had something important I was going to respond to, where someone
>>a question and didn't get a response. I had it all thought out and was
>>getting ready to put it to email, when someone asked me something about
>>stylesheets here in the office. I helped him out, then that thread
>>Massachusetts came up and I had to post something dumb.
>>Now I can't remember what I was going to say, or who I was going to
>>respond to. I looked through all the messages (handily sorted by
>>Microsoft Outlook 2003, the best email editor there is or ever will be)
>>and realized I cannot find what I was going to respond to.
>>I blame the Liberals on this list for derailing my train of thought.
>>Nobody ever talk about same sex marriage again, it gives me the
> _____
> _____
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