>bender, and your old pal comes back 20 years later with the papers
>demanding a divorce and half your stuff?
He's be laughed out of court. There's nothing to stop that from
happening now with a woman (if you're a guy for instance). Come to
think of it, there have been more than a few events that were pretty
hazy that way for me...
>For that matter, what happens when you ask for an annulment - what
>straight guy in his right mind is going to go before a judge asking for
>a permanent annullment to his same-sex marriage? The stigma could be
>disasterous for a lot of people.
Only if he let it be that way. There's still consummation. Although I
think that the physical requirements may be quite different.
>Truman Capote would have a field day with the scenarios that could come
>out of this one. If everyone wants to act like there are no gender
>distinctions between men and women that make marriages into something
>that will not be entered into likely, go ahead.
>All I know is a lot of guys are idiots who will abuse the system on a
>whim, either doing it themselves or by forcing someone else to do it.
>You may not agree, but think very carefully about all the
>knuckledragging cro-mags you have met in your life and ask yourself if
>you could put it past them before you respond.
>Don't consider your intelligent, sophisticated programmer friends (or
>the ignorant code junkie ones) to be the people we are talking about
>here. I am talking about the guys you knew in high school who got picked
>up for vandalism and theft, the super-spicoli's of the world who were
>headed for trouble before they could spell the word, the twisted
>antisocial types who violate society's norms and taboos for simple,
>lowbrow amusement.
>There are hordes of them existing on the fringes of society, some of
>them accidentally make it to college and management, they are the real
>concern in relation to this position. They will do anything, there are
>lots more of them then there are committed people who this law would
>benefit, and the world is better off without the problems they bring.
Hey isn't that where Point Haired Bosses and the sleazoid marketing
types come from?
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