It's an idea, duh

Does you average technophobe fill out forms? Anone know?


>Replace the pages that have email addresses listed with a FORM that will send
>email to the contacts.
>This way the email addresses are hidden from the harvesters.
>Stop spam on your domain, Anti-spam solutions
>For hosting solutions
>Aspire to Inspire before you Retire or Expire!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "dana tierney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 11:52 PM
>Subject: Re:WOW. I just spammed myself.
>: I am having a similar problem with the prunebelly domain. As far as I can
>tell, there is no way to protect our email addresses from harvesters since we
>are an outreach organization and really need the addresses on the website... or
>am I missing something?
>: All suggestions welcome. I know we are not an open relay. What I am getting is
>that a certain email address, which is valid on the domain, is supposed to be
>sending pornographic spam. The address does not forward anywhere and I can see
>that it is not being used at all. So the name was just grabbed off the webpage
>and is beng used for spoofing, right?
>: Dana
>: >> S. Isaac Dealey wrote:
>: >>>
>: >>> In the last week I've been getting a ton of mailerdaemon
>: >>> responses
>: >>> saying that messages I (didn't) send couldn't be received
>: >>> by people I
>: >>> don't know because they don't exist at the target domain.
>: >>> (Or their
>: >>> mailboxes are full.)
>: >>>
>: >>> They always come back FROM: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...
>: >>> or some
>: >>> other nonsense...
>: >>>
>: >>> Which is great. I'm sure I can expect my domain to be in
>: >>> the SPEWS any
>: >>> day now...
>: >
>: >> Not for that, they have sufficient clue to read headers.
>: >
>: >> FWIW, I am averaging about 6000 Joe-Job bounces per day
>: >> for the last 6 months and the domains only show up in
>: >> NANAS about once every month.
>: >
>: >> Jochem
>: >
>: >Ahh okay, well that helps me feel a bit better, thanks. :) I was
>: >freakin' out, thinking I wouldn't be able to send mail to anyone soon.
>: >:) Though I'm sure there are a probably not insignificant number of
>: >sysadmins who don't take the time to be thorough about the headers, so
>: >I suspect it's inevitably going to happen with certain individual
>: >domains, and I'll just have to hope that I don't have a real reason to
>: >do business with those individual sites.
>: >
>: >
>: >s. isaac dealey                214-823-9345
>: >
>: >team macromedia volunteer
>: >
>: >chief architect, tapestry cms
>: >
>: >onTap is open source 
>: >
>: >
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