> Be thankful that you have to pay child support and still get
> to see your kid.  My brother went through a nasty divorce.  
> Just recently, his ex was able to get an order from a judge
> barring him from seeing the children at all because of the
> emotional harm he might do.  It's very interesting since
> she's the one who wanted the divorce,had an affair, and moved
> her boyfriend in before the divorce was final.
> It can be an very unfair system to deal with.  My brother
> hasn't seen his boys for over a year now.  When the divorce
> first went through, he had the boys every other weekend.  
> Then it went to supervised visits and now no visits at all.  
> He had moved out of the state previous to the last order, so
> it's hard to figure out how they can justify the order.  

If it's not too personal, what did the ex-wife say your brother was doing?
Did she accuse of molesting the children or something? What was the
reasoning for the move to supervised visits and then to no visits?

As it stands, my brother-in-law went through something as well. He tried to
get custody of his two girls, but the Social Services person at the trial
accused him of trying to "steal" the children from their mother. (Although,
why isn't it stealing when the woman gets custoday?) They had a large amount
of evidence of the mother leaving the kids alone, not taking the kids to the
doctor, etc but it was all ignored. (Also, one of the girls was... 11 I
think, and in Louisiana it was considered "old enough" to be alone and
taking care of her 8 year old sister.)

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