Nope. He hasn't been accused of that.  It's all been under the umbrella of
emotional damage.  When his son asked him when he'd see him again, and my
brother told him that he would have to check with the mother and the
parenting coordinator, he was accused of emotional harm because that was an
adult subject and not for a 12 yr old boy.  

He was also accused of emotional harm when he tried to schedule a visit with
the parenting coordinator and his ex.  Neither one replied, as was the
usual, so he didn't make the trip.  Well, the ex took the boys to the
airport and when my brother didn't show. Pop!  Emotional damage.

We don't know exactly what this last order is based on.  It's frustrating,
he's paying a lot in child support so he doesn't have the funds to be
spending on a legal team, at least one that would be able to appeal this.

> If it's not too personal, what did the ex-wife say your brother was doing?
> Did she accuse of molesting the children or something? What was the
> reasoning for the move to supervised visits and then to no visits?
> As it stands, my brother-in-law went through something as well. He tried
> to
> get custody of his two girls, but the Social Services person at the trial
> accused him of trying to "steal" the children from their mother.
> (Although,
> why isn't it stealing when the woman gets custoday?) They had a large
> amount
> of evidence of the mother leaving the kids alone, not taking the kids to
> the
> doctor, etc but it was all ignored. (Also, one of the girls was... 11 I
> think, and in Louisiana it was considered "old enough" to be alone and
> taking care of her 8 year old sister.)
> -ray
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