Yeah, I don't agree that it's nice to have the tax write-off. I'd rather
put my income into some solid savings vehicles and have a nice posh
retirement ...

And depending on your budget and how you spend your money and what you
earn ... it IS possible to save up enough to purchase almost outright or
totally outright.

We're nursing along a 1991 Ford Explorer right now, instead of going out
and financing a new vehicle. So that monthly car payment is saved.
We spend about $1-4 per meal, every day. We barely ever eat out, we shop
in bulk. Never pay more than $1 a pound for chicken breasts ... all
kinds of things like that.
We just started living like this back in November ... and in those few
short months, the money saved is incredible.

So we'll do it. Because I said we will, and come hell or high water ...
it shall be done.


From: Kevin Graeme

That's close to what we're doing. We couldn't put as much down, and we
bi-weekly instead of weekly, but we're going to have our mortgage paid
in about 12 years instead of 30. That's well over $150,000 we will save.

That's WAY better savings than what the tax writeoffs would provide. And
home is our only debt. Period. Imagine what you could do if you had all
your paycheck for yourself and didn't have to make that mortgage
Just investing the equivalent of the mortgage payment each month would
go a
looong way to having a very posh retirement.
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