>> Are you attempting to make the non-sequitur comparison of Iraq's present
>> state, with America's current state?
>> Such a comparison is impossible.

No it's not. Someone can say, gee look at the way those Iraqi people are
acting.  That's wrong and WE dont act that way. Whether the conclusion is
illogical or not makes no difference, at least to me.

Ergo my suggestion to consult your history books on the barbarism that
occurred in what is now known as the US during those times.
Do you deny such heinous acts occurred?

Never denied that anything bad happened in my own country's past. It has,
but again that was in the 18th and 19th century, when it was also okay to
own other human beings and beat your wife with a stick. I even asked for
instances that people could show me of americans acting that way.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Stanley

A common vein of reasoning is to excuse heinous behaviour by looking for
other behaviour along the same lines.
The key word is history there. Sure, two hundred years ago, a hundred
ago even, the world was a much different place. the value of human life
the eyes of society at large was alot less. I agree with you that the
ruthless slaughter of the native americans was horrific and unjustified.
That doesnt change the horribility(sp? -- even a word?) of what went on
03/31/2004 in Fallujah. While not a scholar, I feel like I have a pretty
good grasp on my country's
history, but then again I am always willing to learn, which is why I
the question "Does anyone have any information where mobs of americans
done thisto anyone, ever"

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