As an immigrant to the US I can sympathize with both points of view.
Remember immigrating to another country is a big step, you are leaving all
that is familiar. All of your automatic thoughts, habits and assumptions
have to be changed. There will be times when you'll be hit with severe
homesickness, and every once in a while some automatic assumption that
people in your adopted country will rise up and slap you hard in the face.
After over 15 years that still happens with me.

That said, the reasons and assumptions that people may have, to make a buck
or whatever are theirs. Also there may be good reasons for a person to
prefer to keep one foot in both, it may be family, or whatever. Until you
know those reasons its inappropriate to judge.

Just my inane ramblings.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:25 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Nice people....
> It was probably me.
> But I want to be clear, I wasn't trying to single out the
> Palestinian woman on the show, she just happened to be the
> example that popped into mind, since her words were so clear.
> The show on PBS, The New Americans, highlighted a diverse set
> of folks with diverse backgrounds, personalities, and reasons
> for being in the US.
> From this show and the examples they highlighted, I raised a
> point that was meant to be generic. If immigrants and guest
> workers don't want to be here in the US, don't like it, and
> are going to leave as soon as they make a buck, we should let
> them go home early. If there is an applicant that wants to
> embrace the US and put down roots, they should get preference
> over a similar candidate who wants to get rich and go home.
> That was my only point.
> Jerry Johnson
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/06/04 09:12AM >>>
> >> I was only refuting the point that John (I think) made
> regarding the
> Palestinians
> >>in this country only being here for the money and not
> caring about the
> >>country
> If this is referring to me, I dont believe I ever said that.
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