
I need help with using oracle databases.

I have never setup an oracle odbc datasource and would like some
assistance. In fact, I have not used oracle, but a client wants to use
it....  Actually, it need not be odbc, if there are other ways to connect
to oracle from CF.  

I looked into the archives, but the search mechanism seems very inefficient
and I could not get much out of it.

It will be setup on through their control panel.  While
their tech support is usually good, this is one of the few occasions where
they did not help much and simply referred me to the site.
Any intermedia customers out there who have used oracle?

Thanks for your assistance.



Simha R. Magal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Internet Commerce Solutions <>
Placement Online dot com <>
Voice:  419-353-6822  Fax:  353-3522
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