Matt Liotta wrote:
> Every idea/technique that has been suggested thus far for code
> optimization is a waste of time for almost all applications. Sure some
> of these ideas/techniques code save a few milliseconds here and there,
> but they offer very small gains in scalability. There are much simpler
> ways to achieve greater scalability in less time than code optimization
> e.g. caching. I suggest people spend their time seeking out these ways
> instead of spending time on code optimization.

As you said it yourself (it was you, right?) there is a difference 
between performance and scalability. And I think most people are 
discussing performance here.

> You should only spend
> time on code optimization after every other performance enhancement has
> been tried.

Remember the example I gave where switching from treating a long Base64 
string as a string to treating it as an array gave a performance 
increase of a factor 4000. I have helped somebody else convert from 
using ListDeleteAt() to ArrayDeleteAt() and get a 100 fold performance 
increase. Sometimes code optimization is what you need.

But I have to admit, compared to those code optimizations, the quality 
of some of the SQL, and some of the ridiculous algorithms I see, a 
factor 8 between JSP and CFML in the generated java is peanuts.


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