
I wasn't attempting to imply that Contribute was intended as a replacement for Studio. 

The point I was attempting to make is that they announced that the Studio line was 
being end of lifed with the rationale being that they didn't want to have more than 
one Web editing/design tool to maintain. They then released another tool in that same 
area, albeit for a different audience. I was trying to point out that these two things 
are at odds with each other. I'd tack a bitter statement along the lines of "Well we 
know where people who develop for Macromedia's server platform stand now." because I 
think that this is the message I get from this whole thing. Sorry if I wasn't clear 
enough in my previous mail. 

Robert Occhialini 

-----Original Message----- 

I wouldn't say that this new tool is in any way a replacement for CF Studio 
. It's a web-based tool to allow non-technical ( or less-technical ) users 
to edit web content... So... it really in no way compares to Studio. What 
they're after is the wider audience of general, non-programmer business 
users, which is an entirely different market than Studio targeted. So I 
don't think it really relates (at least not directly) to their saying they 
didn't want to support more than one _traditional_ editing application. You 
wouldn't buy Contribute for the folks in your office currently using either 
CF Studio or Dreamweaver -- you'd buy Contribute for the folks in your 
office currently sending email to the folks using CF Studio or Dreamweaver 
to ask them to make changes. 

S. Isaac Dealey 
Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer 
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

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