>Just a reminder that ColdFusion MX "Updater 3" is now available for free 
>download from the MM website.
>In my opinion, this is very close to a full "dot-release" of CFMX, and 
>includes all cumulative major fixes in all product areas, and adds over 100 
>fixes, mostly focused around server reliability and stability.

Make that 99 fixes. The WDDX bug that is claimed to have been fixed (Bug 
49064), at least using CFMX for JRun, is not (The description is: "The 
cfwddx tag did not properly handle packets marked as version 0.9"). This is 
a major point-of-failure for us, as we still receive the following error 
when trying to deserialize a WDDX packet marked as version 0.9:

WDDX packet parse error at line 1, column -1. Relative URI "wddx_0090.dtd";
can not be resolved without a base URI..

Any chance there might be a hotfix for this?


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