On Friday, Mar 28, 2003, at 07:16 US/Pacific, Ruggiero, Kevin D wrote:
> But, I want to let those who may be thinking of going to production
> level with CF MX know that it may be a good idea to give it a month or 
> so at
> least and see what kind of feedback comes in.  I'm not yet convinced 
> that CF
> MX with updater 3 is necessarily up to snuff just yet.

I'm sorry you are experiencing problems with your setup. Many people 
have been running CFMX in production successfully, even before Updater 
3. The Macromedia "ColdFusion Examples" server has been in production 
for a year now with virtually no downtime. It was initially running a 
beta of CFMX (yes, we put a beta into production!) and then upgraded it 
to CFMX Enterprise when that shipped. As far as I know, it's still 
running the base release. And macromedia.com itself is running CFMX for 
J2EE w/Updater 3 and has behaved very smoothly, handling a lot of 

Can you tell us more about your configuration and the sort of code you 
are running? COM, CFX, any unusual configurations? O/S, CPU, RAM, 
database etc. Perhaps your problems are due to the database drivers you 
are using? The more we know, the more likely we are to be able to help.

Sean A Corfield -- Director, Architecture
Web Technology Group -- Macromedia, Inc.
tel: (415) 252-2287 -- cell: (415) 717-8473
aim/iChat: seancorfield -- http://www.macromedia.com
An Architect's View -- http://www.macromedia.com/go/arch_blog

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