Sure Sean- I'd be happy to tell you more:

We have a brand new machine, and this is our server configuration:
Compaq ML 370
Windows 2000 Server SP3 (IIS 5.0)
2x72 GB Hard Drive (RAID 1)
Dual 2.8 GHz Pentium 4 Xeon Processors
CFMX Professional, default JRE

Databases we connect to are:
Oracle 8i (8.1.7) on two separate Windows NT servers (connected to using
Oracle's JDBC/OCI drivers)
Local Microsoft Access databases (using standard Access drivers from

Also, we are trying to connect to network Access databases, but we've
thusfar been unable to connect to them (I have another e-mail to this
mailing list trying to fix this problem).  We're getting errors of
permission denied/exclusively opened by another user, despite the fact that
our CF MX server is running as a valid domain user account that has full
access to the directories the database is in, and that there is nobody in
those databases (we tried making copies of them that nobody was in for
certain- same error).  Also, our Seagate page server, running under the same
user account, has no problem connecting to these network db's.  But, I

The server is also running OrgTraks 3.1 (with a separate Resin web server on
port 8080), and Seagate Page Server/Web Component Server for serving up
crystal reports that talk to network & local Access databases.

We are not using any COM objects or CFX tags at all, nor are we utilizing
WDDX.  We have one web service running which is used for logging into an NT
domain (we used Rob Rusher's example to setup NT authentication from
ColdFusion and published it with slight modifications as a web service).
This is the basis of security on our Intranet.

Also, I'll reiterate that the site was running fine on CF 4.5.2- the
problems with server hangups started with CF MX, and then only once in
production and receiving a higher amount of traffic.

Now, I am not the only one having problems with server hangups.  There is a
very long thread on the ColdFusion webforums currently:
d=468954.  Clearly, server hangup problems have been a widespread issue.

So far today Updater 3 has behaved well.  We have not had a crash.  If it
makes it through the day, that will be 1 hangup in just under 4 days- MUCH
better than Updater 2 was doing.  I'd recommend to anybody running CF MX
Updater 2 to upgrade immediately- it's to the people on CF 5 that I'd
suggest to keep an eye out for a little while longer first- but updater 3
may very well be the time to jump to MX.

If you'd like any more info, feel free to ask!  I'm eager to help, since
this really is such an important issue for the future of CF.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 12:10 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFMX Updater 3 Available

On Friday, Mar 28, 2003, at 07:16 US/Pacific, Ruggiero, Kevin D wrote:
> But, I want to let those who may be thinking of going to production
> level with CF MX know that it may be a good idea to give it a month or 
> so at
> least and see what kind of feedback comes in.  I'm not yet convinced 
> that CF
> MX with updater 3 is necessarily up to snuff just yet.

I'm sorry you are experiencing problems with your setup. Many people 
have been running CFMX in production successfully, even before Updater 
3. The Macromedia "ColdFusion Examples" server has been in production 
for a year now with virtually no downtime. It was initially running a 
beta of CFMX (yes, we put a beta into production!) and then upgraded it 
to CFMX Enterprise when that shipped. As far as I know, it's still 
running the base release. And itself is running CFMX for 
J2EE w/Updater 3 and has behaved very smoothly, handling a lot of 

Can you tell us more about your configuration and the sort of code you 
are running? COM, CFX, any unusual configurations? O/S, CPU, RAM, 
database etc. Perhaps your problems are due to the database drivers you 
are using? The more we know, the more likely we are to be able to help.

Sean A Corfield -- Director, Architecture
Web Technology Group -- Macromedia, Inc.
tel: (415) 252-2287 -- cell: (415) 717-8473
aim/iChat: seancorfield --
An Architect's View --

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