> > I don't like: et al.
> These are all personal preferences and, imo, don't really 
> speak to the validity of Fusebox. I don't like ASP; therefore 
> I don't use it, but that doesn't mean it is not a valid 
> technology and very useful. I just don't care. :) I am sure 
> it is fine you feel the same way about Fusebox.

First, to justify my use of the word "like", I was specifically responding
to this:

"I actually haven't really seen any specific things that 
people don't like about Fusebox...just lots of statements 
like it's too much "trouble", or "overhead", or how they can 
pick one thing about Fusebox and do it in a different way."

Second, my likes and dislikes as a web developer are derived from the
positive or negative value that I perceive in something. So, my dislike of
"classic" ASP compared to CF is more than a personal preference; I felt that
CF had more to offer. In that regard, I would dispute your characterization
of my complaints as personal preferences. Yes, I suppose they are, in the
sense that I also have a personal preference not to be hit in the head with
a hammer; they're more than just personal preferences, though. They're
personal preferences derived from my judgment of perceived value.

> > how often does #foo# change that you need to store it in 
> > a variable?
> Probably no more often than a dsn variable, but I never worry 
> about setting up a request.dsn just to be sure. I believe this 
> issue has been addressed in Fusebox 4, but then again what's 
> the trouble of a single XFA for forms?

In my experience, it's a lot less likely for a form action attribute value
to change, than for the name of an application's datasource. Forms don't
just go anywhere - unless you've written a generalized form handler, there's
going to be a specific action page just for that form (which may well be
within the form itself, a la ASP.NET or any other self-posting form).

There's no trouble with having that variable, but everything need not be a
variable. It's possible to make things more dynamic than they need to be,
and, well, that's needless complexity by definition.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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