I don't think the Fusebox people are using that X number to say that because there are 
so many X people using FB, so should you.  Rather, it's there for informational 
purposes, and to say that, yeah, people are using it.  Maybe not a lot in comparison 
to some other framework, but the only winner in a comparison like that is the most 
popular item in it's class.

----- Original Message -----
From: Matt Liotta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:34 pm
Subject: Re: Cons to Fusebox

> See my response to another email along similar lines. However, I'd 
> to  
> respond to your email a little differently.
> Based on my earlier message it could be said that there is 10 
> times as  
> many Java developers as CF developers, so why would one use CF 
> over  
> Java? There are tons of answers to that question that I think most 
> of  
> us know. In fact, we know these answers so well that we disregard 
> the  
> number of Java developers as irrelevant.
> Now then... with so many more people using Struts as opposed to 
> Fusebox  
> (both of which can be used in Java and CF), why would one use 
> Fusebox  
> over Struts? The answers to that question aren't as important as  
> realizing that most CF developers don't know them. Thus, whenever  
> someone tries to sell Fusebox based on the number of people using 
> it  
> the obvious question remains, why not use something with a greater 
> following?
> I don't use Struts or Fusebox, so I don't care. I only point this 
> out  
> to show how silly the whole "17,000 people use Fusebox and you 
> should  
> too" line is.
> -Matt
> On Friday, July 18, 2003, at 03:29 PM, Sandy Clark wrote:
> > Why are you comparing the numbers using a Java Framework to the 
> numbers> using a ColdFusion framework? Isn't that like comparing 
> Appes to  
> > Oranges? It
> > has no meaning.  Does this mean that because there are more Java
> > Programmers, we should all just stop using CF and move to Java??
> >
> > Struts is the most popular framework for Java.  It doesn't mean 
> that  
> > Struts
> > can be used in C++ Development, nor does it mean that it can be 
> used in
> > ColdFusion development (I did read the article on DevNet), but 
> not  
> > everyone
> > is doing cross Java/CFMX development.
> >
> > Instead compare Apples to Apples.  Compare Struts to something 
> like  
> > JADE
> > (IBM) or Barracuda.  Compare Fusebox to things like BlackBox or
> > SmartObjects.
> >
> > Those are true comparisons I would like to see.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Matt Liotta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:00 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Re: Cons to Fusebox
> >
> >
> > I saw this thread mentioned on Sean's blog and I was thinking about
> > rejoining this list before reading his blog, so here I am. I'm not
> > interested in trying to rehash much of the debate since I am 
> late to
> > this thread, but I feel like it is important to make at least a 
> couple> of points.
> >
> > First, I largely agree with Dave's position in this debate, but 
> I don't
> > agree with him in regards to his application of common sense in 
> lieu of
> > a framework. I think frameworks are extremely valuable and can 
> make an
> > enormous difference in the success of web applications 
> especially where
> > more than 3 people on working on them. Of course, picking the wrong
> > framework for an application can lead to all sorts of problems, 
> so the
> > notion of one framework being the correct one in every case 
> should be
> > abandoned.
> >
> > Second, I have seen numerous references by Fusebox people both 
> in and
> > out of this thread in regards to how the sheer number of people 
> using> Fusebox is an important point. I like to put that into 
> perspective a
> > bit. According to Fusebox.org, there are 17756 using Fusebox. 
> Not sure
> > where that number comes from, but let's apply that to the number 
> of CF
> > developers, which is supposed to be about 300,000. That would mean
> > about 6% of CF developers are using Fusebox. Now then, let's assume
> > that 6% of Java developers are using Struts. Since there is 
> supposed to
> > be about 3,000,000 Java developers that would mean there would be
> > 180,000 Java developers using Struts.
> >
> > There are a lot of reasons why one would use Struts over Fusebox and
> > vice versa, but if sheer numbers matter to people than Struts is the
> > way to go since it is used by a lot more people. BTW, if you 
> don't buy
> > the above numbers; take a look at the Amazon.com sales rankings 
> for the
> > 10+ struts books vs. the Fusebox books.
> >
> > -Matt
> >
> > On Friday, July 18, 2003, at 12:27 PM, Erik Yowell wrote:
> >
> >>>
> >>> Trade offs. Everything is a trade off. Sometimes the quick,
> >>> unstructured 'hack' is the right solution...
> >>>
> >>
> >> This for me (being a small shop) is why I've extensively 
> adopted a
> >> framework like Fusebox. Most of my projects are not going to 
> become an
> >> Amazon.com anytime soon, while this doesn't mean I should write 
> sloppy>> code - it does allow the flexibility of allowing a bit of 
> a processing
> >> overhead in lieu of manageability and the ability to bring in 
> external>> talent to easily assist me in changes (if needed) by 
> providing a good
> >> set of standards and the Fusebox docs. I don't have to spend 
> precious>> time educating another developer on the intricacies of 
> a custom
> >> framework.
> >>
> >> Despite what organizations like Rational think (in the sense 
> that  
> >> there
> >> is no such thing as RAD development) - I mean, come on now, how 
> many>> developers out there have had the "I needed it yesterday" 
> conversation>> with a client? I find having the ability to quickly 
> find and make
> >> changes to medium sized projects, forced structuring of code and
> >> application processes to be a boon.
> >>
> >> Erik Yowell
> >> http://www.shortfusemedia.com
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > 
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