Those are pretty comfy.  A friend had one at his PC in HS.  Unfortunately,
after about a year, because of the wierd stresses on the kneepad and seat,
the apholstery started coming off and the pad started disintegrating. Of
course, that may not have been a very high quality one.

When I was at MacWorld, I tried a NadaChair ( and
it was extremely comfortable for the 10 minutes or so I sat in one.  Maybe
someone else has some comments on those.

--  Ben Doom
    Programmer & General Lackey
    Moonbow Software, Inc

: -----Original Message-----
: From: Mike Mertsock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 5:11 PM
: To: CF-Talk
: Subject: ergonomics
: Ah, the slouch - my favorite no-no. Does anybody have experiences
: to share about those kneeling chairs that stick your legs at
: 45-degree angles, supposedly the optimal angles for your
: legs/back? I would try one if I heard good things about them.
: Example: the Hag Balans at
: >Also, when you're sitting at the desk, make sure your elbows are slightly
: >higher than the desk surface.  Someone told me that at some
: point, and it's
: >good advice, since it helps keep your wrists floating.
: Especially with my
: >horrible horrible slouching.  ;)
: >
: >cheers,
: >barneyb

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