The following guess game/syntax did not work, MM or any one close to MM please step in.  TIA

Don Li

> Yes, I agree Jochem has done a lot of good stuff on this subject.
> Question on "coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory" CLASS,
> it seems to have a method called getDataSourceService(), in the
> instances of MS SQL 7 and above, I would think it also has a method
> called AddDataSourceService() something, then, for this method to work,
> it would require some mandate parameters such as Data source name,
> database name, server name, user name and password, it may have a
> default value for data access method ("DIRECT"), and default SQL
> permission such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE etc.
> How would its syntax look like?
> coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory.AddDataSourceService('ds name','db
> name','fqdn-server-name','un','pwd')?
> Then, encrypt the password, Jochem mentioned about encryptPassword()
> method, would its syntax be like coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory.
> DataSourceService['thisDS'].encryptPasword()?
> Where are we?  Thanks.
> Don Li
> >> Thomas, you also seem to be an old man :), how could the Unix
> >> 'grep' command would be applicable to a normal Window's env?
> >
> >I think that he's just saying that on his Unix system, the file that
> he
> >found is "neo-query.xml". If you want to use grep on your Windows
> machine,
> >though, I'd recommend installing Cygwin.
> >
> >Rather than editing neo-query.xml directly, though, I'd recommend
> looking at
> >using the appropriate ServiceFactory interface. Jochem has done a lot
> of
> >good stuff documenting this:
> >
> >
> >
> >Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> >
> >voice: (202) 797-5496
> >fax: (202) 797-5444
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