Heh! Documentation - who needs it - I know how this works...

But if you write a really good application and include things like online
help or quick tips it can negate to a degree the need for documentation.

For somthing complex like the Fusebox framework documentation is indeed
essential. There are some good books on the topic and sample applications
to get you over the hill so to speak.

That's been a problem for a lot of frameworks - and for FuseBox since the
beginning: incredibly smart guys building incredibly cool tools who have a
complete, innate inability to explain anything to anyone.  ;^)

Jim Davis


From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 5:44 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: fusebox

> Hi,

> I suppose the lack of documentation does tend to put
> people off a bit, but I
> don't fuss too much about buying the books. They are worth
> the small price
> and the guys that bring us Fusebox can't do everything for
> free... people
> have to eat ya know. I seem to remember everyone
> recommending CFWACK as
> "the" resource back in the day. :) The Techspedition books
> are pretty much
> the same caliber of resource for Fusebox.

Incidentaly, I hope my comments aren't seen as a disrespect to the
guys who bring us the Fusebox framework. We all have areas where our
work is either beautiful or in some way incomplete or problematic. I
just feel like the documentation from fusebox.org at this point is a
real weakness and that someone (who is really immaterial) should take
the time to sit down and produce some basic "step 1) this is how to
write an fbx_circuits.cfm" (or take it from another site that has a
free tutorial) that will go in their core files download. I understand
the info is likely available elsewhere for free also, i.e.
techspedition, the forums, etc. but some basic info I think really
needs to be "up-front" and right now that's missing from the core
files. I haven't looked at FB4 yet, so I can't comment on documenation
for the new version.

Of course I always welcome criticism of my own documentation as well
-- if you read through my blog, there've been several cases of my
documentation for the onTap framework needing correction for one
reason or another and I always try to get those cleared up ASAP when I
find them or when someone points them out.

s. isaac dealey                214-823-9345

team macromedia volunteer      http://www.macromedia.com/go/team

chief architect, tapestry cms  http://products.turnkey.to

onTap is open source           http://www.turnkey.to/ontap
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