>On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 16:05:14 -0700, Spike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've had a lot of people comment to me via email and MSN
>that you appear to
>> have set out to see He3 favourably and cfeclipse unfavourably.
>Sorry if it appears that way. My initial experiences with several
>builds of Eclipse were all bad and none of the plugins I tried worked,
>including several early versions of CFEclipse. It's only recently that
>Eclipse has been usable for me - and I still don't much like it as an
>IDE. I've tried a few versions of CFEclipse since then but, as I
>discussed with you privately, it repeatedly ate up my CPU and made my
>machine unresponsive. You said this was a bug in the browser view - I
>was waiting to hear that it got fixed before trying it again.

That's a fair enough position, unfortunately it wasn't set out in your blog,
which made your evaluation look a bit skewed.

I believe the issue is fixed in the current CVS sources and I will make sure
I let you know after our next release which should be pretty soon.

>> Given that you don't even appear to have tried to use
>cfeclipse for day to
>> day coding I think that opinion is at least partly justified.
>See above - kinda hard to use it for long when it take 100% cpu and
>chokes my machine... :(

Agreed and it's a shame we didn't catch this before you did, but that's just
the way it goes.

>> Most of the things in your blog relate only to initial
>impressions, not to
>> how good the tool is on a day to day basis for a developer.
>There will be more on the blog about it in due course - once that bug
>is fixed...

Good. I think a comparison of both on a day to day usability basis would be
entirely reasonable and most welcome from the point of view of a lot of
people. As long as you are prepared to give the same level of effort to
both. Hopefully you will.

>> IMO that would be a far more important comparison for the
>average person.
>I agree.
>> Then again, I'm hardly an impartial observer, so maybe I'm
>being unfair :)
>I understand that you - and others - have put a lot of effort into
>CFEclipse and are somewhat sensitive to criticism of it... so I don't
>blame you for gently flaming me (and I wear an asbestos suit most of
>the time :)


Wait til you read Rob's post :)
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