> I just wanted to make a quick comment on your development environment.
> WOW!  Must be nice to have the money for all of that software. So what
> do you recommend to us 1099 people who are going from project to project
> ?  Or the developers who have that idea for an application and are
> working to develop it out of there garage?

I don't know, actually, since those aren't problems I face.

However, the software I mentioned doesn't cost much, really. You can get
practically every Microsoft product within a single MSDN subscription, which
is about $2k (and there are several ways to get it much cheaper). I got MS
Office for free - MS actually sent out mailers with it to plenty of people -
and the other items I mentioned are available in developers' editions.
VMware is about $400 or so, and worth every penny.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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