> So, to clarify...if I *want* to use Flex Builder, then I have 
> to use Eclipse and/or CFEclipse?  I guess I'm trying to 
> completely understand what is meant by "Eclipsed based IDE"...

Eclipse is an IDE. FlexBuilder is a plugin for Eclipse. When you install
FlexBuilder, you have the choice to install Eclipse as well, or just
FlexBuilder if you already have Eclipse installed. So, yes, if you want to
use FlexBuilder, you have to use Eclipse, since FlexBuilder is just a plugin
for Eclipse. You may also install CFEclipse presumably, which is also an
Eclipse plugin if I understand correctly.

Of course, you can have as many IDEs installed on your computer as your disk
can hold, so you might use FlexBuilder for Flex development, whatever you're
currently using for CF development, Visual Studio for .NET development, etc.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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