Whoa.... What about the ability to run your instances with different JVM
args and allocate memory and resources specifically?  And what about
leveraging more than 1.6 gigs of memory using multi-instances? It seems to
me there are resource issues that multi instance addresses as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Rafferty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 12:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Is the need for multiple CF instances diminishing?

I agree with Dave.  If customers feel they need control over their servers,
then they have that choice.  Only other reason for mutli-instance would be
mappings / unique custom tags that they didn't want to make global and such.
I'm finding that the new mappings that you can do in CF8's Application.cfc
are godsend for me at work.  Prior to 8, I had avoided global custom tags
because we do shared hosting here and everything is spread around a couple
of boxes.  With 8's new mappings, I can programatically setup the custom tag
directory as well as other mappings.
It makes moving things around so much easier and in my opinion lessens the
need for mutli-instance even further.

On Feb 6, 2008 12:50 PM, Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Currently we run CF multi-server on JRun, so we have an instance for 
> > each of our clients.  For some reason, we've always found this 
> > desirable, though we've never really seen any clear benefits other 
> > than being able to maintain separate CFAdmin settings and restart an 
> > instance without affecting all of our clients.
> Those are pretty important benefits, at least the latter, right?
> > I having a feeling that moving from multi-instance to 
> > single-instance is going to be a hard sell.  I have been picking up 
> > tidbits of information about CF8 that lead me to wonder if 
> > multi-instance CF is something on the wane anyway.
> I don't think it's "on the wane" - the people who used that 
> functionality with CF 6.x/7 will probably continue using it with CF 8. 
> Not everyone needs it, but it's still as valuable as ever to those who 
> do.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> http://www.figleaf.com/

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