I've got two ongoing How-to series on my site that may help you.

The first covers many basics of CFCs and OOP with ColdFusion:


The second covers Mach-II, one of the major ColdFusion frameworks, and how to 
adapt to it from a procedural coding background:




>I am using CF for while now but I have no other programing background. I
>used Lynda.com video tutorials to learn CF and some other online tutorials
>like EasyCFM.com. Several days efore I recieved two new CF8 tutorials from
>Lynda.com(Lynda.com ColdFusion 8 Essential Training | Lynda.com ColdFusion 8
>Beyond the Basics) but I got confused completely! David Gassner the tutor
>has a complete plan to talks about many corners of CF but he starts using
>CFCs very soon at the middle of the first tutorial. He mentions you can
>never use CFCs and make all the application using simple CF tags but knowing
>CFCs helps you make it more reusable and manageable. I found CFCs VERY
>confusing for myself. I tried to learn it but I didn't get it completely.
>Maybe because I have no programing background with other languages other
>than HTML. What do you think? Should I learn it? Does it gradually become
>the core of CF programing to use CFCs? Please write me your opinions,
>knowledge and experiences about the subject.

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