I would suggest checking out MySQL and what they do with it...

The way they do it...if you need support (and several other features not
available in the free version), you pay for licensing.  If you don't need
this, then you can use it for free.  

Most companies want and need the support.  That is where these companies
make their money.  As a business, you want to be able to have someone you
can call and say, my server is down and I need help to get it running asap
so it doesn't effect my business.  This gives you that option.  

If you feel you can handle everything yourself...then by all means use it
for free :-D

The other benefit is that when there is an open source/free version, you
don't have to pay to have copies for your development, testing, and QA
environments.  It allows you to have the same exact environment (not one
with limited connections or other things with their wings clipped) as your
production environment.  It also becomes pretty expensive when you have to
buy licenses for 4 sets of servers if you have the above model.  A 7k dollar
product now becomes a 28k dollar product when only one of those servers is
actually producing revenue. I think that seriously encourages people to use
a product when they can do that.  I hope Adobe follows suit.  


/*-----Original Message-----
/*From: Sean Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/*Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 12:50 AM
/*To: CF-Talk
/*Subject: Re: Bluedragon = open source
/*On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 2:14 PM, Jordan Michaels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/*>  Precisely, and I really do hope that this is the case. The only caveat
/*>  would be how NA's Dual-Licensing would work - and that's why I'm really
/*>  anxious to see the details there.
/*I'm not sure what your concern is here? Lots of companies use
/*dual-licensing: free open source version and a fully-supported,
/*non-free, commercial version. That's pretty standard these days. NA
/*are using GPLv2 so you can go read that (it's a standard open source
/*Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
/*An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/
/*"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
/*-- Margaret Atwood

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