
Based on what I can see, it appears that the tables are separated by  
property type (commercial, residential, lot, multiunit, etc.).  You  
would need to add a column in the table to identify that type, but it  
seems to me - as long as they are identical in structure as it seems -  
that merging them into a single table would make life easier in many  

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it would seem like property data would be  
low-write/high-read tables so as long as you merge them you could  
avoid the overhead of the UNION ALLs and then could  index them  
heavily(MLS#, Property Type & ZIP,etc.).  Then, depending on your DBMS  
type, you could create additional create views and  caches at the DBMS  
level to further optimize query speed.

Writes are much slower on heavily large, heavily indexed tables since  
the indexes have to be recreated or appended but I imagine, for this  
type of data, that the agents could wait a tiny bit longer for their  
entries if their records were retrieved exponentially faster.



On Apr 23, 2008, at 10:29 PM, Rick Faircloth wrote:

> Now's here's a new problem I haven't encountered.
> How do I use a url variable to link to a property details page
> when the properties are in 8 different tables?  The issue really isn't
> the variable, since I can use the aliased variable  
> "property_id" (once I add it to the query).
> I know I could use
> property_details.cfm? 
> property_id=<cfoutput>#get_properties.property_id#</cfoutput>,
> however, on the details page, I would need to search all eight  
> property tables
> for the correct property id.
> Is this the method I'm stuck with because all the properties aren't  
> in a single table?
> Pass the aliased variable "property_id" and search all 8 tables for  
> it?
> Perhaps I should just put them all into one big property table  
> instead of keeping them
> separate as the data vender has them...
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Rick
> Here's the current state of my "union all" query with all the  
> property tables finally in play:
> <cfquery name="get_properties" datasource="#dsn#">
>    select sa.street_number as prop_street_number, sa.street_name as  
> prop_street_name,
>           sa.city as prop_city, sa.public_remarks_01 as  
> prop_public_remarks_01,
>           sa.public_remarks_02 as prop_public_remarks_02,  
> sa.list_price as prop_list_price,
>           (select sap.photo_filename from smlc_acr_photos sap where  
> sap.photo_mls_number =
> sa.mls_number limit 1) as prop_photo_filename,
>           (select so.office_name from smlc_off so where  
> so.office_code = sa.listing_office) as
> prop_listing_office
>      from smlc_acr sa
> union all
>    select sc.street_number as prop_street_number, sc.street_name as  
> prop_street_name,
>           sc.city as prop_city, sc.public_remarks_01 as  
> prop_public_remarks_01,
>           sc.public_remarks_02 as prop_public_remarks_02,  
> sc.list_price as prop_list_price,
>           (select scp.photo_filename from smlc_com_photos scp where  
> scp.photo_mls_number =
> sc.mls_number limit 1) as prop_photo_filename,
>           (select so.office_name from smlc_off so where  
> so.office_code = sc.listing_office) as
> prop_listing_office                           
>      from smlc_com sc
> union all
>    select sl.street_number as prop_street_number, sl.street_name as  
> prop_street_name,
>           sl.city as prop_city, sl.public_remarks_01 as  
> prop_public_remarks_01,
>           sl.public_remarks_02 as prop_public_remarks_02,  
> sl.list_price as prop_list_price,
>           (select slp.photo_filename from smlc_lot_photos slp where  
> slp.photo_mls_number =
> sl.mls_number limit 1) as prop_photo_filename,
>           (select so.office_name from smlc_off so where  
> so.office_code = sl.listing_office) as
> prop_listing_office
>      from smlc_lots sl
> union all
>    select sr.street_number as prop_street_number, sr.street_name as  
> prop_street_name,
>           sr.city as prop_city, sr.public_remarks_01 as  
> prop_public_remarks_01,
>           sr.public_remarks_02 as prop_public_remarks_02,  
> sr.list_price as prop_list_price,
>           (select srp.photo_filename from smlc_ren_photos srp where  
> srp.photo_mls_number =
> sr.mls_number limit 1) as prop_photo_filename,
>           (select so.office_name from smlc_off so where  
> so.office_code = sr.listing_office) as
> prop_listing_office
>      from smlc_ren sr
> union all
>    select sres.street_number as prop_street_number, sres.street_name  
> as prop_street_name,
>           sres.city as prop_city, sres.public_remarks_01 as  
> prop_public_remarks_01,
>           sres.public_remarks_02 as prop_public_remarks_02,  
> sres.list_price as prop_list_price,
>           (select sresp.photo_filename from smlc_res_photos sresp  
> where sresp.photo_mls_number =
> sres.mls_number limit 1) as prop_photo_filename,
>           (select so.office_name from smlc_off so where  
> so.office_code = sres.listing_office) as
> prop_listing_office
>      from smlc_res sres
> union all
>    select smul.street_number as prop_street_number, smul.street_name  
> as prop_street_name,
>           smul.city as prop_city, smul.public_remarks_01 as  
> prop_public_remarks_01,
>           smul.public_remarks_02 as prop_public_remarks_02,  
> smul.list_price as prop_list_price,
>           (select smulp.photo_filename from smlc_mul_photos smulp  
> where smulp.photo_mls_number =
> smul.mls_number limit 1) as prop_photo_filename,
>           (select so.office_name from smlc_off so where  
> so.office_code = smul.listing_office) as
> prop_listing_office
>      from smlc_mul smul
> </cfquery>

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