This is a common problem. It sounds like having a single table with all of
the fields plus an extra field for the property 'type' may be a good idea -
or, in you Union query, select the property type for each row and pass that
in the Url, so:

select sa.street_number as prop_street_number...etc
          'acr' as propertyType
from smlc_acr

union all

 select sa.street_number as prop_street_number...etc
          'com' as propertyType
from smlc_com



On 24/04/2008, Azadi Saryev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how and where is that url/link generated? can you also pass the property
> type in the url? that can tell you which table to query...
> Azadi Saryev
> Rick Faircloth wrote:
> > Now's here's a new problem I haven't encountered.
> >
> > How do I use a url variable to link to a property details page
> > when the properties are in 8 different tables?  The issue really isn't
> > the variable, since I can use the aliased variable "property_id" (once I
> add it to the query).
> >
> > I know I could use
> >
> property_details.cfm?property_id=<cfoutput>#get_properties.property_id#</cfoutput>,
> > however, on the details page, I would need to search all eight property
> tables
> > for the correct property id.
> >
> > Is this the method I'm stuck with because all the properties aren't in a
> single table?
> > Pass the aliased variable "property_id" and search all 8 tables for it?
> >
> > Perhaps I should just put them all into one big property table instead
> of keeping them
> > separate as the data vender has them...
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Rick
> >
> >
> >

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